Sunday, March 30, 2008


March was a pretty busy month for us. Here is a run down of what went on with us...... Allie was in the hospital a few weeks ago for an infection that lead to severe dehydration. She is doing better now, although I suspect we will be going in for tubes in the next few weeks. It will be a good thing though, because she has been on antibiotics pretty much nonstop for 4 months . We had a wonderful easter with our families. I loved seeing the girls hunt their easter eggs. We found a new home for Roxy (our german shepard) because she was majorly destructive and was too big for the girls. Kaylie and Jason were pretty bummed out about it, but Kaylie's mood changed quickly when Jason brought home a new Jack Russell puppy. He is 8 weeks old and we named him Toby. Kaylie says he is her new best friend.

I love the spring weather we have been having. I can't wait for summer.

My first blog!!

Hi friends and family! I am starting this blog because I want a place to write about what is happening in the Jackson household and to post pictures of my beautiful girls.

Jason and I have been married for 5 years! Time flies by so fast, because it seems like just yesterday we were dating. I am so lucky to have him. He is such a good dad and husband and I don't know what I would do without him.

Kaylie is 4-years-old going on 15-years-old. She is so sassy. She couldn't be more of a girly-girl. She loves to wear dresses and wear bows in her hair. She loves her baby sister and her baby sister loves her. Her best friend is Emma and she LOVES Disney Princesses. She goes to the Free Spirit Preschool and she absolutely loves it. I am amazed at how fast she has grown. She is so smart and caring. She loves her family so much!

Allie is 13-months-old and oh my goodness, she is into EVERYTHING. She puts everything in her mouth, so you can't take your eyes off her. She loves being outside and throws a major hissy fit if you try to bring her inside. Her favorite shows are Teletubbies and The Wiggles. It is so fun to watch her learn new things every day. She is getting more and more rotten by the day. She hits a lot, and after she hits someone she automatically will pucker up her lips for a kiss, because she thinks that will get her out of trouble. It's so funny, but she is smart, because it usually works.

These girls are our life. We love them so much. This quote sums it up
....."While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about."